Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to draw easy anime character

This is only for beginners. I'm teaching the simple and easy way how to make an anime character. This is only face tutorial, we do the rest later once you get use to draw anime characters. This is how I learned without someone teaching me how to draw. I learned by myself. What I did is just keep drawing until you you get sick of drawing hehehe. I was talking about how I met Dragon Ball and how I start sketching Goku on previews blog. It was pretty awful when I sketch my first Goku, Of course cause I just started. Okay. This tutorial does not need to draw a circle or lines at all. I know professional people or in "how to draw anime" magazine they start from circle and lines. I will show you how to do without doing and taking too long to just draw a face. Ready??

 1. Draw eyebrows, you don't have to make same sizes, but at least make it same level.

 2. Draw two incomplete circles under the eyebrows, then you draw a circles inside of incomplete circles.

 3. Draw the nose and lips to finish the face. (it doesn't matter how low the nose and the lips, as long as you satisfied where you put it, that's all matters).

The hair it up to you. This is what I did on mine. You can make your own hairstyle once you finish the face. Here what I did on mine. Once you finish you can #quicksketch22 on instagram to show your anime characters! Please feel free to #quicksketch22 on Instagram.

Once you get the face it is easy to draw and make another character!! Good luck! 


  1. Thanks this really helps

  2. I always end up fixing the face 400 times and making too many lines on the hair XD

  3. Try to draw and not erase it. Draw another one and try to compare if you are not satisfied draw another one until you satisfied, look and line up your drawings, you will see how you getting better and better each day.

  4. Try to draw and not erase it. Draw another one and try to compare if you are not satisfied draw another one until you satisfied, look and line up your drawings, you will see how you getting better and better each day.
