Quicksketch is my quick sketch that I made. When I have something in mind I just sketch and draw quick. I don't really color for my sketch, cause I don't have enough time for it lol! or sometimes I just don't want it to finish at all...but hey have fun with my sketch and read my blogs! Thanks guys!!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Another request!!
This girl is super hot! I like her pix on Instagram! dang! well this was her request! If you wanna see the full picture go to my website at quicksketch22.weebly.com!!! Thank you!
This girl is trying to be a model! She is very cute! I had a request from her and I sketch her as a anime. The other one is from Fatal Fury. Her name is Blue Mary...I don't know if I spell right, but yeah there ya go! Follow me on Instagram quicksketch22 to see latest picture with no cut.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Fatal Fury
I remember when I first played the Fatal Fury 2. I didn't get to know the Fatal Fury, because back then Street Fighter 2 in Japan was a big hit than Fatal Fury. Mai Shiranui is my favorite you know why! for full image go to Instagram quicksketch22!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Back to reality...Sketch!!
Weekend ends fast than working...I know it' is sad to go back to work! spedcially the job that is not for me...yeah. I wish I can just sketch and get pay or something... do you have any idea how I wanna be a real artist?? well I need help with that so bad...I don't know anyone or who can help or team up to be popular animator...I wish I can just draw every day and plan ideas...well here is my sketch today. Thanks peeps!!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Avengers are coming!!!
I decided to sketch Iron man and The Hulk, since the movie is coming on Blu-ray soon. I didn't really finish it cause if I do go far it will not gonna be sketch...it will be the whole poster if I do serious about Marvels lol! I include Homer, because I was bored lol!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Added the sketches on my website!!
Hey guys go to quicksketch22.weebly.com now!! I updated my website with tones of my sketches please check it out!!!
Request again!
So this is one big request with small ass paper that I drew...Soul Eater characters. Yes! I drew the girls! it wasn't hard, it's just the paper that I have to deal with hahahah! I am poor you know! I'm not even popular Artist...if I only have money....any way the other one is same character of Tsubaki, but I sketch it different. I drew like Final Fantasy character I should say...but yea there you go!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Draw, draw and draw!
Well today it was a good day. My day was smooth and the sketch was smooth. I gotta request again from myl10 on Instagram. The request was the anime character from "World God Only Knows" the character I drew is Elise. Glad he liked it. The rest of the sketch I did is just random sketch. I sketch Rei from Evangelion, because she is hot! but weird character. The other one is I just sketch. It just sketch. lol!!! Follow me on Instagram quicksketch22!!! or got to my website at quicksketch22.weebly.com! -->
Go to my website for none edited sketch!
Go to my website at quicksketch22.weebly.com to see my sketch work with no edited version and it's full pictures. Thank you!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
The idea of how I start sketching.
I don't have idea actually. Whatever is in my mind and just start sketching. No schedule or meeting what I sketch...I just sketch! lol!
Get request from me!
If you have any question or you wanna learn how to draw a simple art, I can help you! I can give you my ideas and become a good anime artist!! It is simple and easy follow me at Instagram "quicksketch22" or message me here also!!! Thanks!!
Lazy Monday
I haven't draw anything yet cause of Monday...I'm still tired over the weekend!! lol! Any request for Anime characters or any Art. Just hit me up quicksketch22@gmail.com or you can go to Instagram and search quicksketch22 and ask for request! Thank you!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Draw everywhere everyday!
My advice for you is, watch anime and pick your favorite character and practice your character until you get it. When I was young and I saw the first Dragon Ball, I picked Goku and I practice drawing Goku almost everyday. I wasn't a good artist at all. All of my cousins were good artists, but never success because we were poor. I used to buy Dragon Ball Battle Cards back in 1992...yeah I know it is loooonnnggg time ago.
People who love to sketch or draw with no talent, it doesn't mean you really don't have a talent at all. I didn't know how to draw or sketch back then. I just saw the Dragon Ball it just made me draw everyday lol!
People who love to sketch or draw with no talent, it doesn't mean you really don't have a talent at all. I didn't know how to draw or sketch back then. I just saw the Dragon Ball it just made me draw everyday lol!
This is the card I was collecting when I was in Japan. If you get this sparkling card that means you got a special card sticker. People in Japan keep this sparkling card because it has value later on like this year. I can't believe I don't have my cards anymore...I left it in Japan...
Draw everywhere, sketch everywhere. Practice everyday and you will be able to draw any characters or your own characters.
Go to Instagram quicksketch22!!
I don't know how long they gonna let me post anime that I made. I might stop posting crazy once, but regular anime character. I'm just gonna fully post on my own website. Website is still under development.
Another request!!!
I guess people really like what I post on Instagram. I got another request and I sketched this for her. Thank you so much followers!!! Sorry I couldn't post earlier. What can you say it's Friday!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I gotta request!!
I gotta request and I sketch the Death Note character L. I never watch the anime, but I drew it anyway. She was happy and thank god she loved it! Thank you for enjoying my sketch @paris wind. If you have any request let me know also! I will try my best to sketch and post it right away for you! here are the posted from yesterday and today. Thank you so much followers!!! Instagram now quicksketch22!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Bulma 1.0
I made the Bulma 1.0. I can only show half of her body. Next day, I might show the other half of Bulma and I call it "Bulma 2.0" only in Instagram! Thanks much!!

Monday, September 10, 2012
Bulma day!
Go Instagram right now to see the full picture! Quicksketch22 now! I sketch Bulma, because she was the popular character in Dragon Ball series. I remember reading the comics, the comics was better because they show more things than television. In Japan also they showed everything on TV. She was the best character for me.
Monster Monday today.
I hate Monday. Do you? It's sux that after you had fun the following day you have to go back to work. You are tired from having fun and you gotta work because you have to...not right! lol! well I can't change the world, but if I can I want no job and money involve, a real freedom with peace. I wish...oh well! My sketch will come out soon or later today. Hope you will like it.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
lazy mode on saturday.
Lazy weekend on saturday. i wonder whats gonna happen on sunday since I didn't do any crap today!!!. well ill relax so I can jave another idea next week. stay tuned for my sketch.
100 followers on Instagram!
Yes! finally I reached 100 followers...I know still not enough of followers, but hey at least they enjoyed my sketch that I made! thank you followers! If you know what I'm saying follow me! QuickSketch22 on Instagram!
These are not edited, but if you go Instagram it's more better. I'm just here to tell you what I do when I'm bored. lol!
Friday, September 7, 2012
My sketches!
Hey there! I got one sample here that I sketched. Most of you see is Anime Character that I sketch on Instagram. Go to Instagram and typ "quicksketch22" you will see my latest Art and Anime that I made. Please feel free and enjoy my work. Thank you all!
Project "victory"
I'm making this project call "victory" is simple funny art that I'm going to do in Instagram. If you never seen my pictures and sketches of my art. Go to Instagram on your phone or other device and see my latest sketches and pictures that I edited. Please like my art and enjoy! Thank you. I will post pictures and art and sketches that I made. stay tuned!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
I'm back!
If you ever view my blog. Thank you! I've been away cause I thought im gonna stop sketching and go to school or something, but I cannot stop drawing. I'm gonna start posting here again, so stay tuned.
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